It's just another vanilla story of good vs. There's no species bias going on in these games.

And that Lucina's theme is too loud-could've done without the chorus yelling full blast.Īlso, for the record: I don't think the whole point of the X Zone games are about "humans are the absolute good" rather than it is "we gotta save all time/space, oh and the worlds too". My only major beef with the roster was that Tales of Vesperia characters returned for it (who I didn't really care for much), but I can live with that since I don't have to have them on the battlefield at all times. assuming you've not yet played it, of course. Probably not much of one, but couldn't hurt to mention it. If you're willing to go out of your way to invest in a modded PS2 and getting an import copy (and work with a translation patch if you want), there's always Namco X Capcom, which has Klonoa characters in it as well as Kurino Sandra from the Valkyrie series, if that's any consolation. if I caved into what people wanted and started writing a book starring humans, then I would never be able to write a story I enjoy writing, and that is why the books I write don't star humans and why they will never star humans. If you are seriously dead set on making an all human cast of heroism, why should I be forced to do that too if I don't like them? why can't I just write the story I want to write. I get it if people don't want to make video games that have nonhumans, but in a game like Project X zone 1, there is really no excuse not to have them. I know I'm human, but I still don't relate to them. people telling me that I am human doesn't change that. I do not relate to humans, and I kind of don't like humans. The reason I write books about anthropomorphic characters and monsters is the same reason why I want non-human characters in video games. Even though they can turn into nonhumans, they still have That human form of that makes them less likable for me.Ī while ago, I advertised a book I was writing here at this website, and people complained that it wasn't about humans.

Shapeshifters are not good enough for me. I've always kind of wanted to try out that suikoden game you mentioned, but I have no interest in anything Fire Emblem until they have flat-out non-human playables.

I never use human if I have the choice, and if I don't have the choice, then I'm usually not interested in the game. Dec 30, 2019, 4:16 know it's a little late, but I am the exact opposite.